Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tips To Break The Rumination Cycle

In the last post I covered what rumination is and why we do it. To do a quick recap, rumination is your mind cycling over and over again around the same problems that are bothering you. Rumination either comes about because of some difficulty that feels unsolvable or simply due to boredom.

So, in those times you've found yourself still stuck in rumination, what do you do? Well, first of all, really check - are you just bored? If so, seriously, find anything to do to get yourself moving towards activity. Take a shower, dress yourself up, go get coffee, draw, paint, dance, sing, anything!

So, assuming you are still reading to learn about problem-related rumination, here are two tips.

First, help your brain practice solution-oriented thinking. Start looking for the potential ways your problem might go away. Start practicing taking other perspectives and adopting other ways to explain your situation.

Let's use an example. Let's say you are ruminating over financial worries. Something hasn't come through or you're worried about paying bills or your spending habits. This is a very common topic for rumination. Typically what happens is you spend lots of time focusing on all the ways you are low in money, all the ways it's impacting your life, and all the ways it can get worse. You start forecasting what the future will look like and it typically looks bleaker than today. Yikes. Let's practice getting out of that rut. At this point, some people would recommend affirmations. I'm going to not recommend affirmations and here's why.

Affirmations more often than not just feel fake. It's not realistic to expect yourself to jump from a state of powerlessness and fear to happy-go-lucky and care-free. You have to gradually work yourself in a relieving direction, using thought retraining exercises that are based in believable statements. If you spend time forcing affirmations in your mind, it just prolongs a state of uncomfortable denial and rejection of your true emotions.

So, instead of affirmations, ask yourself questions.
  • What if everything worked out? What might that look like?
  • What if everything's OK right now?
  • What if there is something here that is helpful for me to learn?
  • How can I find something useful in this situation?
Start there and keep asking yourself flexible and even playful questions like these to help open your mind to creative possibilities.

Notice how your feelings change when you ask and answer these questions.

Another way to break the cycle of rumination is to practice present-moment awareness. When we're ruminating we are anywhere but in the present-moment. We are in the past, agonizing over something someone did or over something we did or didn't say. We're analyzing the intentions of others and what they meant. And if we're not in the past, we're in the future. Predicting all sorts of bad things coming our way, getting all worked up and pessimistic about our chances of happiness and peace. Again, the reason for this is because our minds are natural problem-solvers. 

However, you can help your mind gain bigger muscles in present-moment awareness through mindfulness exercises. Here are several kinds of mindfulness exercises you can do to increase your ability to focus on the present:

  • Sense Immersion
    • Choose a physical object and sit down with it. Spend 10 minutes attending to this object. What does it look like? What does it smell like? How does it feel in your hands? What is the texture like? How does the light hit it? Notice all these and many more details. Notice how your perception of the object changes as time passes. Notice the difference between this level of perception and how you usually perceive the object when you are simply passing by it through your day.
  • Thought Observation
    • Imagine yourself lying down in a field of flowers. You look up at the sky and watch the clouds float by. Each time you notice a thought, "place" it on a cloud above and watch it float by. If you find yourself hooked in by a thought, gently acknowledge that it caught you up, and place it on the next cloud you see. Do this for at least 10 minutes.
These exercises will help you increase your ability to focus on the present moment. The present moment is truly your only point of power. 

 In addition, the greater ability you have to get some distance and observational skills towards your thoughts, the better you will be able to notice thinking errors that get in your way and block you.  Feel more, do less. :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Find Yourself Stuck Thinking Negatively? Here's Why

Do you find your mind is often focused on problems and negative situations? This is especially apparent for those currently dealing with depression, anxiety, or high levels of stress. Our mind is constantly working on the what-ifs and contingency plans of the worst case scenarios, however that may apply to our unique situation.

Another word for this is rumination. The word ruminate means, literally, to "bring up and chew what has already been chewed and swallowed". This refers to the way "ruminants," a type of animal that includes cows, chew their food. They turn it over and over again in their mouths. When you mentally ruminate, you are turning the same thoughts over and over again in your mind.

It's a very uncomfortable and bothersome process to live with. I often have clients asking me to help them achieve "peace of mind." What this usually means is they want to experience freedom from rumination.

In order to reduce your mind's rumination, it's helpful to learn about why your mind does this.


You mind is an amazing problem-solver. Our problem-solving ability is unmatched and is the reason humans have been able to advance in so many ways throughout our evolution. We are able to first, identify and define a problem, and second, think abstractly through many different possible solutions. Once we have identified possible solutions, we also have the ability to plan, execute, and follow-through on a potential answer.

It takes a delicate balance between our thoughts and our emotions for the above process (identify, define, plan, execute, follow-through) to be fulfilled successfully. If we were simply machines, we would be able to logically move through the steps. However, we're not machines and it doesn't help to treat yourself like one. Your mind is ruminating for a reason - an emotional blockage in the process. Somewhere along the line some form of emotional resistance (which can feel like fear, anger, shame, for example) is preventing you from moving forward in the problem-solving process. Our emotions are immensely important not only for helping us to see how our thoughts may be limited, but also for helping us to use our intuition to guide us. Emotions can give us excellent guidance that logic sometimes wouldn't notice or bring to our attention.

You also may find your mind ruminating if your mind is not getting any other stimulation. Commonly boredom rapidly turns into rumination and worrying. This is because for years, potentially most of your adolescent and adult life, you have been trained to focus on fixing problems rather than acknowledging the things that are going right. If your mind finds itself idle, it will search for something to "fix".

Next time you find yourself ruminating, first notice what type of ruminating it is:
  • Problem-related?
  • Or boredom-related?
For problem-related ruminating, ask your emotions to show you where you are resisting. What are you afraid of? Commonly it is as simple as not believing ourselves to be capable of handling the worst case scenario or of being able to solve the problem. Take some time to give yourself some reassurance that you are capable of solving this problem. Remind yourself of other problems you have overcome in the past. Soothe yourself and take care of yourself. It's OK and normal to be scared when you're in the problem-solving process, but if you feel the fear and let it pass (as opposed to stay in the logic-brain and try not to feel it), it will hinder your process so much less!

If your ruminating is boredom-related, then get moving! Get out of that rut. This is nothing wrong with you - your mind is simply giving you a good (though uncomfortable) sign that it wants more simulation and to switch up your routine. Go for a walk, draw something, call a friend, learn a language or musical instrument. Give your mind something else to chew on!

Feel more, do less... (or if your boredom ruminating, do more of what you love!)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Forgiveness: How to Forgive

In a previous post, I talked about using forgiveness to move forward with our lives. Resentment, pain, anger, and other negative feelings we attach to past events and other people can keep us from living in the present moment. We can live predominantly in the past, thinking and dwelling on past events, keeping us forever stuck in those events and not fully living our lives here and now.

I also reviewed that there are disadvantages and advantages to hanging onto resentment and refusing to forgive. If you are still feeling like the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and that you're not ready to forgive, that's ok.

However, if you feel ready to forgive, let's talk about what that actually looks like. I've found that it's helpful to have a brief, but explicit, ritual around forgiveness. By explicit I mean clear, noticeable, and demonstrated to you. I think it's great to keep this private, so by "explicit" I do not mean a public demonstration. By ritual, I mean something that is meaningful and symbolic to you. Sometimes the word "ritual" brings up negative connotations of robes and chanting and outdated religious ceremonies. Instead, I encourage you to think of the word "ritual" as something signifying a meaningful, purposeful, intention-filled activity. One might make a ritual of their morning coffee - savoring the flavors, the warmth of the mug, the aroma, and dropping into their bodies in the present moment.

Forgiveness is an act that we take on with intention and meaning. Therefore, I encourage you to see forgiveness as an act that you engage in with a ritualistic manner. Emmet Fox, a New Thought writer, has an interesting approach to forgiveness that I've really enjoyed. Feel free to adopt it or modify it if it feels good to you.

When a past event comes to your attention with a punch of negative feelings - guilt, resentment, hurt, anger, embarrassment... it's likely that there is someone or something to forgive in there. I've found that forgiveness is an excellent way to release negative feelings that are tied to past hurts or disappointments.

So, once you identify someone or something to forgive, take some time to yourself to quiet down and center. Next, engage in some kind of task that helps you get into the present moment. Here are some different ideas to briefly center yourself:
  • Light a candle
  • Meditate for a few minutes
  • Do deep belly breathing exercises
  • Read from a meditation book
  • Pray
  • Do some neck rolls or stretching

After you've given yourself some kind of centering "treatment", engage in your forgiveness exercise.

Here are some words, adopted from those of Emmet Fox, that might help you:

"I fully and freely forgive ______. I loose him/her and let him/her go. I completely forgive the whole business in question. As far as I'm concerned, it is finished forever. I release the burden of resentment (or hurt, humiliation, anger) upon my higher power. S/he is free now, and I am free too. I wish him/her well in every phase of their life. That incident is finished. Forgiveness has set us both free. Thank you."

Then, move on with your day. If/when thoughts of this past hurt come back to you, briefly acknowledge that they showed up, send impersonal good will to the person you have forgiven, and release the thought.

This exercise might have more meaning to you if you believe in a higher power or have a spiritual leaning. However, if you identify as atheist, you could release the burden of resentment onto your inner self or a wiser, calmer version of yourself.

I find that engaging in a purposeful, clear exercise such as the above helps to make it clear to myself my intention (to forgive and move forward with my life) and that helps me to follow through with releasing resentment and rumination.

If forgiving feels overwhelming and impossible, it's possible that you have experienced a traumatic experience. In those cases, an exercise like the above may not provide you with the help you need. Instead, it might be helpful for you to seek support from a professional source, whether that is a psychologist, therapist, counselor, or other mental health professional. I encourage you to seek professional help if you are finding feelings of resentment, guilt, anger, or pain to be very bothersome.

Good luck; I wish you well with any and all forgiveness!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Creativity: Squashed by Pragmatism

When was the last time you let yourself really daydream? When was the last time you let yourself really hope for something awesome?

Really. Sit and think about it. Can you remember a time? Recently? If you can, great. Chances are though, you've been caught up in skepticism and pragmatism.

In our modern industrialized, tech-savvy culture, we are so tuned into problem-solving, prediction, statistics, and pragmatism that we nearly strangle our ability to truly open ourselves to the different possibilities available to us. Humans thrive on creativity, dreaming, expansion, and exploration. However, our current environment stifles that. What's worse is that there is a general fear of "disappointment." People warn you "don't get your hopes up" and "be realistic." These people are, for the most part well-meaning. They likely fall into two camps (which are not mutually exclusive):

1) They are concerned for your happiness and

2) They are concerned for their own happiness.

Let's take the first group - concerned for your happiness. How kind! They want to protect you, safeguard you, by informing you that the chances of your success or happiness are limited, so better be sure to "plan for the worst." Next time someone tries to squash your momentum and energy towards optimism and joy in this well-meaning way, thank them for their concern and politely let them know that you feel happy thinking of the possibilities. What do you think is worse? Experiencing disappointment when things don't go your way, or always feeling mundane and "blah" because you're unwilling to take a chance on uncertainty.

When I'm talking about daydreaming, I'm talking about so many things! Get excited about the possibilities in your job or career path, get excited about taking on new life experiences like travelling or being a parent or owning a pet. Get excited about that date you are about to go on, or him or her calling you to go on date #3, or experiencing great sex. Get excited about great clothes, a great movie, a great concern, a great cup of coffee! Get excited about things! Let yourself dream and be excited about what could come your way!

Let's take the second group - concerned about their own happiness. Oftentimes, people in this group are so disempowered that they see others' happiness as a threat to their own. Your dreaming feels scary compared to their negative view of reality. It may be unfamiliar, but it doesn't have to be scary. You are not serving those around you by playing small and squashing your dreams. You can live by example and demonstrate that dreaming can feel good, disappointment is manageable (if you experience it), and life is better when you expect good things.

This doesn't mean that you should disappear from life and simply lie around daydreaming. Get involved with life, get your hands dirty, experience things, talk to people. And do all of these things while dreaming of wonderful possibilities for you. Do all of these things with positive expectation and excitement for the future. When you hit a road block and feel downtrodden or anxious, examine your negative thinking to determine what other limiting thoughts are holding you back that you can release.

Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to dream BIG! That is where creativity lies - flexibility, freedom, expansion, and desire. If someone tries to squish your dreaming, smile at their intention (care and love for you) and gently release the need to bend to their recommendations.

Dream on!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Forgiveness: Essential to Emotional Freedom

Almost every single one of us walks around with a hidden pile of resentments and hurts lingering in the back of our minds. Those grudges can be quite easily accessible in certain relationships, such as with a partner with whom we always bicker, or can be stuffed back in the recesses of our memory from experiences we had as children or adolescents.

These resentments serve to drag our potential down. There is a saying, it takes two to make a prisoner. There is no such thing as a singular prisoner. There is the prisoner, and then there is the jailer. If you are holding resentments towards another person, you are holding them in a kind of prison in your mind. And, unfortunately, the side effect of this is that you are serving as the jailer. You hold the key, keeping them present in your mind. If this person is currently still in your life, chances are you are even more like a jailer in that you are likely constantly watching the prisoner, waiting for them to misstep again, further supporting your reason to hold resentment.

Another saying is that if you are keeping someone "on the hook" for something, you're automatically stuck on the hook, too. In order to take yourself off the hook and let go of that painful memory, you have to let them off the hook, too.

This isn't a conscious process, but it's a human process. If we can shine a flashlight on these mental processes, we can get better at holding the key to deliberately reshaping our thinking, and therefore our experience of our reality.

Sometimes the idea of forgiving an offender would make us balk. "But I could never forgive. It was too awful, too terrible. That person is too bad; I refuse to forgive."

It is true that some things in our lives can feel awful and terrible. Forgiveness does not require you to like or include that person in your life any longer. Forgiveness is a tool for releasing yourself. Ask yourself, what are the advantages to holding onto this resentment, anger, and rage?

And what are the disadvantages? In what ways might this resentment be holding me back?

Typically, one of the advantages is that people feel justified in being hurt. They also might, in an unconscious way, find a benefit in remaining a "victim" in their own mind. However, forgiveness does not require you to negate any suffering you experienced. And it also doesn't force you to change any particular behaviors.

Some of the disadvantages of not forgiving is it keeps us stuck in the past. Also, it keeps you "bound" to something to want to push away. Our resentment is a form of attachment, tying us to those who we dislike or who we think have hurt us in some way. The stronger you resent, the more present will reminders and memories of this hurt be. Resentment keeps the past alive, forgiveness releases it and lets you move on.

As you go through your daily life, notice where resentment pops up. A need for forgiveness may also pop up as jealousy, self-righteousness, and contempt. Notice these feelings when they show up - they are telling you something important.

Feel more, do less :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Creativity: Blocked by the "No Pain, No Gain" Mentality

I noticed several flawed forms of logic I've been walking around with in an experience I had recently. I had decided to get myself a massage. It felt very luxurious and wonderful to schedule it. I found myself thinking, "I deserve this. I've had a very stressful month."

And that made me stop - why do I only deserve a nice massage after a stressful month? Of course, that's a great way to reward yourself, but it also implies that after a stressful month is the only time I "deserve" a massage or other treat. This line of thinking sets me up to only engaging in self-care after "tough" times, rather than engaging in it regularly simply because it's nice and helps sustain me at the best version of me possible.

I was quick to notice this line of thinking. Well, that probably isn't entirely true, because I'm pretty sure I've been carrying this logic with me for most of my adolescent/adult life. But, hey, at least I noticed it eventually!

I am now working on releasing that limiting set of beliefs in favor of a much more open, allowing version of those beliefs: I deserve and can enjoy nice things whenever, wherever, simply because I exist. However, that doesn't mean that I will walk around entitled or selfish, taking from others because I "deserve" it. Instead, it means I can flexibly engage in self-care every single day, rather than only once I've surmounted some major challenge or problem.

So, off I go to my massage. I love going to these types of places. I will purposefully get there a little early so I can enjoy the ambience of a cushy waiting room, stocked with cucumber water, ambient music, and tons of magazines that I rarely would buy for myself. (Although, another victory! I just recently got myself subscriptions to two magazines so I'll be regularly enjoying these activities in my own home!)

The massage table was heated which was amazing and delicious. I could feel myself melting into the table. Once the masseuse came in, she quickly went to work relaxing my back muscles. It was great. And then my mind starting chattering, as it loves to do. "Should I ask her to use more pressure? It's not hurting. I really want this to detox my body, to clear me out, and it probably has to hurt to do that, right? She should probably be using more pressure to make this worth it. I really want this to help..." and so on and so on and so on. Finally, I realized this and started silently talking back to my worrying:

"STOP! It does not have to HURT in order to do something good for you! Let go of the No Pain, No Gain mentality!"

I reflected on that a bit more and realized how much time I spend focusing on how much an activity "hurts" (emotionally, physically, cognitively) and how that must make it worthwhile. I don't do this consciously, but it is very often that I will see a high value experience or item inherently require a significant cost to me whether in time, energy, money, morale, or effort.

I also know that this severely limits our ability to be creative beings. By focusing on how something "good" has to hurt, we stifle our ability to create. We stifle our ability to show up, to practice, to try, because if we do anything "good" it is likely to be painful in some way.

How does the No Pain, No Gain mentality block you? Chances are it's stifling you in some way - what are those ways? Practice releasing the requirement to be hurt in the pursuit of things you love and enjoy and see what good can flow to you in a way that feels great.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Enhance Your Creativity Through "Noise" Reduction

Julia Cameron, the creativity guru and best-selling author of The Artist's Way has helped to promote the idea of reducing the stimulation you take in to improve your ability to create. As you reduce your input, you can increase your output. In her book, she recommends taking a reading fast for one week. In my current work, it was difficult for me to achieve a full week, but in the few days that I practiced it, I felt such a lightness and brightness. It felt great to clear my mind and reduce the number of words and media sources I was allowing to inundate me every day.

Shawn Achor, psychology and happiness research, also recommends a reduction in media input, or "noise". He suggests that gains are made even with a 5% reduction in noise. What would be 5%? Well if you take a 12-hour day, 5% of that day would be 36 minutes. You could shoot for ~40 minutes of reduced noise. Turn off the TV, close the laptop, silence your phone and do something else instead.

Some people are at a loss for what to do without media input given how we are constantly surrounded and distracted by it every day. Here are some ideas: dance, sing, draw, clean, mend, iron, walk, run, bike.

Accidental Delight - Facebook-Free Lifestyle

While my favorite exercise was the reading fast recommended by Julia Cameron, I have recently (accidentally) experimented with my own significant form of noise reduction. During the last round of privacy setting updates, I decided to leave Facebook and shut down my profile. I was dissatisfied with my inability to keep my photos private, but more importantly, I started finally realizing how I was not feeling happy or fulfilled during my time on that site. I would usually use the site to procrastinate other projects, and it ended up becoming a lengthy voyeuristic sojourn into the (filtered) lives of people I hadn't had contact with in years and years. And maybe hardly ever. I had quite a few "friends" from college that I had never even truly been friends with - and they were some of the most active profiles on my Newsfeed. So I had tons of information on these people that I had never even really known! Bizarre and unnecessary. So, I closed my profile and decided I needed some space.

It's been a good ride. Most of the time I don't think about it. However, today I had to finish a writing project and I didn't love it. I kept looking for excuses to procrastinate, but this was the first real project I had undertaken since I had closed my access to Facebook. I went on a website or two, but neither of those were nearly the timesuck of Facebook. I realized that my procrastination was far less drawn out and meandering being off of Facebook. Sure, it was tempting to go on and distract myself with stories on people's profiles, but I just didn't feel like having to go in and get my profile up and running again to gain that access. Excellent deterrant.

Do I feel less connected to the people I love? Nope, not at all. Once in a while a friend will say, "Hey, are you not on Facebook anymore? I tried to tag a photo of you..." At this point, I say, "nope" and ask to see said photo on their phone in that moment. We share the moment in-person and that feels even better in my opinion.

Is this a recommendation to get off of Facebook? Not at all. It's a good tool for many people - I simply found it was no longer what I wanted in my life. For now, Facebook-free works for me.

My main point is reduce the noise in your life - notice where you spend your time, both physically and virtually. If some of those places do not truly serve you (do not make you feel better or inspire you), then play with letting them go for a while. Enjoy a bit of mental clarity. :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Beauty of Luxury

What feels luxurious to you? For me, many things. I love Starbucks iced lattes. I love slow mornings. I love soft fabrics and interesting textures. I love candles. I love getting time to enjoy foggy days. I love having a nice car and not needing to use it very much.

However, not long ago, I wouldn't have been able to truly tell you the things I thought were luxurious. Or, if I did, I would have told you things with an air of contempt. Why? Because I was languishing in denial for a while.

What was the purpose of my denial? It wasn't conscious. I didn't realize I was doing it, but whenever I saw an item I wanted, I felt angry and jealous. What was underneath that? (Hint: it's fear. There's always some kind of fear underneath anger and jealousy.)  I believed I was never going to be able to get the things that I wanted. It felt awful to be in contact with those emotions - fear that I'll never get what I want, anger and jealousy towards those people who did have what I wanted. So, in turn, I gathered together contempt for things I actually wanted. (Again, this is not a conscious process - it's emotional and so very, very quick.)

I would roll my eyes at Starbucks and dislike them for being "corporate" - whatever that means. I would glorify shopping in secondhand stores and see people who got new clothing as wasteful. I would see nice houses and ample space as "frivolous." I spent a lot of time focusing on how luxury items and experiences were selfish, frivolous, and superficial. It felt crappy and I felt poor, but it felt better than being scared and jealous all the time.

Note: this is what denial is. It is a place of relief (even if that relief isn't all that great) until you are ready to really own up to your true feelings and the beliefs driving them.

Finally, I realized that this contempt wasn't serving me and that I truly did want nice things in my life. I started to play with luxury items. And by luxury, I mean luxurious to me. Through my denial I had developed a very ascetic perspective on money and life, so I had to go slowly for it to be comfortable.

I started incorporating items that made me happy, just because. Candles represent that for me - they are purely decorative and for enjoyment. They serve no other purpose (given that we have electricity) besides making an area more pleasant to the senses. I started going on walks with a friend at work and she introduced me to the glory of iced lattes. I'd only ever had hot lattes before and was completely in love with them over ice. Not only did I get to connect with this wonderful soul, Cathy, but I got to enjoy something that felt truly luxurious - cafe-produced espresso drinks.

As I kept playing with luxury, I was able to see the beliefs that had been underneath my jealousy all of those years. I had distorted beliefs about money being evil. Those who had money were categorized as selfish and mean in my mind. I started to counteract those beliefs by realizing that my being poor served no one and feeling deprived and grumpy served no one, as well. I also started learning more about the immense good that can come from money - and if you have lots of money (ahem, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), then you can produce lots of good things. I also started recognizing all of the wonderful things that come from companies and corporations - technology has advanced immensely through a for-profit private sector.

I keep bringing more and more luxury into my life and am loving it. It's important to do this gradually and in a way that feels purely good. It won't be helpful to you or your belief structure if you just go on spending sprees that are not based in what is truly feasible for your income. Notice any time you disparage or roll your eyes at the spending of someone else - what's really going on there? If you are deeming something frivolous, you may have a limiting belief that's coming up and is asking for your attention.

What do you find luxurious? It doesn't have to depend on lots or any money. Long walks, time to read a library book, time with friends or family, all of these things can be forms of luxury.

To close this post, here are some luxurious images for you to enjoy. I encourage you to collect some of your own. :)


Add some luxury to your life today. It's good for you and everybody else - I promise. :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Pitfalls of So-Called "Just Think Positive" Thoughts

I've heard this so many times from clients. "I'm just trying to stay positive." "Positive energy is what I want." "I don't want to think negative."

The intention here is to feel better. To think more balanced thoughts. To be happier. I get that and I completely support that intention.

However, the "just think positive" method isn't going to get you there. Unspoken and implied in the "just think positive" method is "don't think negative!" There's a silent admonishment of negative thoughts and feelings. Many of my clients blame themselves and feel guilty for thinking negative thoughts on a regular basis. And, unfortunately, the "just think positive" method doesn't truly change those thoughts.

"Just think positive" relies on denial. It relies on you denying that you are actually feeling crappy about a certain thing. By denying and trying to push away the negative feelings and thoughts, you make those negative thoughts and feelings confusing, vague, and unknown. It's like having a cavity in your tooth and you don't know how big it is, but you're just going to put a glaze of white frosting over the tooth so it looks OK. It's also like trying to fight in a boxing match, but you don't know how big your opponent is, or where he is, or what he's doing!

Here's another metaphor to help. If a builder wants to build a beautiful home, the builder must take a look at the foundation and the land. Are there holes in the ground? Is the ground level? Stable? Are there places to start laying the foundation and the beginning beams where they will be secure?

By saying to yourself, "just think positive" you are ignoring the foundational level. You are trying to build a beautiful house of positive thoughts, feelings, and energy, but the beautiful elements you add to the house are just going to keep slipping down into the sink hole until you actually take a look at your foundation.

That's sad to see, right? What a beautiful home. That builder spent tons of energy designing this gorgeous home, painting it a lovely blue and building a front porch for enjoyment. But, all of that positively-focused energy is misled by not allowing adequate time to build up the foundation and clear it of termites, fill in the holes, and assure that it is sound and stable.

So, how do we strengthen our emotional foundation? Well, first with patience. When you feel a negative emotion, your first reaction will likely be to deny it. That's a natural human response to negative feelings, and it's OK to entertain that process for a brief amount of time (for most circumstances, I'm talking hours, days, maybe weeks - not years). Once the denial period has outlasted its helpfulness for you (which you will sense over time), it's time to allow yourself to feel those negative feelings and look at the negative thoughts that are coming up. What do those negative thoughts tell you about your mental filters? What do those negative thoughts tell you about the beliefs that you're walking around with? Are those beliefs really helping you? Maybe it's time to let them go.

Our foundational beliefs are so, so important. Please don't neglect them and ignore them using the "just think positive"/("don't think negative") method. Positive thoughts will come. But, first thing's first: take a look at the negative thoughts so you can gain insight into the distorted beliefs that are producing them!

I don't know about you, but this is the kind of emotional house I want to build. And if I get to live in one that looks like this in the physical world, I'm all for that! :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How To Shift Those Distorted, Limiting Beliefs

If you haven't read my last post about how to identify negative, limiting beliefs, I suggest you do so now. It'll help you get the foundation of monitoring and identifying limiting beliefs.

As I mentioned before, our beliefs structure how we view the world? How so? By selectively pulling in the information that we notice, process, and use to determine our next thoughts, words, and actions. The human brain receives over 11 million pieces of information every SECOND! That is, literally, insane. We are not able to process that much information at any one time - what to know what we do instead? Each of our brains choose 40 pieces of information per second to process. What that means is that we are not paying attention to 10,999,60 pieces of information every second. How does the brain choose? It's not consciously, I can assure you of that. Your brain chooses for you, but what it chooses is based on is our mental filters... also known as our beliefs.

Here are some examples:

You've probably experienced this when you've been in a state that makes you scared. All of a sudden, you notice you're home alone, and your belief that "the world is dangerous" or "bad things happen in the dark" gets activated. Then, your brain starts filtering in all of the random bumps, scratches, and noises in your home. Suddenly shadows that you never would have noticed catch your eye and you focus intently to figure out what they are. In these moments, your brain is pulling in the information that matches the belief, "the world is dangerous."

This also happens when people have beliefs that they are socially awkward, leading to feelings of social anxiety. They monitor other people's faces intently for any sign of disapproval. They are intensely focused on their own portrayal and scrutinize their own body for signs of sweating, blushing, and hand shaking. In turn, their brain is so focused on all of his monitoring of self and others, they lose attention on the conversation, thereby leading to awkward pauses or verbal blunders.... and fulfilling the belief that they are socially awkward.

Our reality is also filtered in terms of the possibilities we imagine for ourselves. When we see only one option, we can see only one road. When we are able to broaden our mental filters, we are able to see more options, more roads, more possibilities for ourselves. It's as though the tiny goldfish gets to upgrade to bigger and bigger fish bowls of possibilities.

Shawn Achor, a positive psychology researcher, has done research to prove that success (what we are all always seeking) can only come after we achieve happiness. But, happiness can only come after we have adopted beliefs that success and happiness are possible. If you can't believe that success, happiness, fun, and goodness are possible for you, then you will be vastly limited in your ability to see the options available to you and act accordingly.

So how do you shift those beliefs you've identified?

Incrementally, gradually, but powerfully. It's not realistic to move from "I'm a bad person" to "I'm ammmaaazzzziinngg!". Your brain won't believe it. And you won't retain it. 

This is where most of that "just think positive" line of self-help is so massively ineffective. You can't just substitute happy-go-lucky thoughts for big, old, bummer thoughts. It doesn't work that way. You have to gradually shift your thinking in order for it to be effective. And gradual shifting is based in reality.

I find it helpful to write things down or talk out loud. Talking out loud is very effective if you are able to bring someone else in to help you - someone professionally-trained to think broadly and objectively, such as a psychologist, therapist, coach, or counselor.

First, write down the belief that is holding you back. 

Next, write down all of the evidence that is in your reality that supports that belief. Then, write down all of the evidence that does not support the belief. And the evidence that you write down MUST BE BASED IN FACTS. Not speculation, conjecture, or ideas about what other people might think of you. Facts. Cold hard facts that you could use in a court of law. 

After reviewing the evidence for and against your negative belief, develop an alternative thought that takes into account all of the evidence that you see.

So, "I'm a bad person" might turn into "I'm as good a person as anyone else" or "I've tried hard to be a good person all of my life." 

The thought, "I'm fat, so I'm ugly" might turn into, "I may be dissatisfied with my current weight, but I'm doing really well in many other areas of my life." 

And so on. 

This is a gradual process. Do not try to jump to an alternative belief that feels wrong. Monitor your emotions as you do this exercise. When you find an alternative thought that brings you relief, then practice that thought for a little bit before shifting again. 

It's unrealistic to expect your thinking to go from distorted and mean to clean and sparkly and pure in one exercise. The same applies to emotions. The only thing that can take you from mega-depression to elation is a chemical substance - and then you'll crash again. If you gradually shift your thinking and gently reach for the most relief you can find in that moment, you will steadily climb the stairs from depression, to sadness, to dissatisfaction, to hope, to optimism, to happiness, to joy. This does not have to take a long period of time, but be patient with yourself. It can take days to weeks to months to shift particularly sticky, negative beliefs. 

I'm happy to consult on beliefs that are particularly sticky, so please feel free to share in the comments!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Distorted Beliefs: Mental Filters Blocking Your Way

Every single person has beliefs about how the world works, what is possible, and his or her individual role within the world. This means that our dreams, our desires, our fantasies, our ambitions, and our fears and worries are all constrained within the same belief system.

However, our beliefs can be difficult to get a handle on. Why? Because they are so deeply ingrained in how we think and how we behave in the world.

Examining the way we are thinking and focusing on our world is very similar to a fish swimming in water. You have to "jump out" of your thinking to notice it, much the same way that a fish must jump out of water to even notice he is swimming in water. In all other circumstances, the water completely surrounds him, externally and internally.

It's also tricky because as soon as you get a glimpse of your thinking, phmooof! You're right back in it again. In the image above, as soon as the fish realizes it's out of the water, it's going to dive right back in. It will have to keep jumping out again and again to get more and more glimpses at the water. In the same way, you have to continually look for opportunities to look at your thinking.

You know what gives you great opportunities? Your emotions. Monitoring your emotions is an amazing way to get those "out of the water" opportunities. Your emotions are driven by your thoughts. As you get better and better at noticing negative emotion states, you will get better and better at monitoring your thoughts. Even trickier, is that your thoughts won't necessarily reveal your beliefs to you immediately. You have to sit with those thoughts and really understand why they are coming to pass.

Let me share a personal example to illustrate this:

I recently spent the winter holidays with lots of family. As is natural, the time came to say goodbye to some of them. I tend to feel uncomfortable around goodbyes - I haven't quite understood it, yet. I'll figure it out soon, but for now, my beliefs underlying my "goodbye reactions" are a little bit of a mystery to me.

Anyways, it was time for a goodbye to an extended family member and I felt uncomfortable, as usual.

We hugged and he said, "great to see you".

I was on autopilot as I often am during goodbyes and said, "good to see you".

I smiled and let go of the hug and pretended to go on my merry way, silently panicking inside...

"He said "great"!!! I said "good"!!! Damn it, what if he thinks I'm insulting him? Damn it, I should've said 'great' back! Why can't I get it together? He probably thinks I hate him. How can I fix this?!...." and so on and so forth... chastising myself for being an obvious idiot...

OK, I know this is a very overblown reaction - but that's what happens with anxiety, right? I spent a while trying to squish the feelings of anxiety away. Until I finally owned up to the reaction. (Of course, all of this is happening inside my head...)

"OK, you're freaking out about this. WHY?"

"Because I always screw things up." Ouch. That's a tough thought to have. Where's that coming from?

"I could have hurt him with my luke warm goodbye." Really? You have that much influence? What else?

"I just feel like a bad person if I don't do things perfectly." So, if you don't do things perfectly, then...

"I'm a bad person." Got it.

It took some work, but I found the distorted belief that was underneath the seemingly random reaction to what from the outside probably looked a like a perfectly fine goodbye exchange. And it doesn't rationally follow if you look at it. I said "good," he said "great,"... and that equals "I'm a bad person"?

Yes. To my distorted beliefs. This is not a rational, intellectual process - it's emotional. As you go through this for yourself, you may see some really windy pathways to your limiting beliefs. That's perfectly OK, the goal is to identify the belief.

For some reason, at some point, I developed the belief that "I'm a bad person" unless I do everything perfectly. How's that for a lose-lose situation? It's totally illogical and off-base, because if I rationally go through it, I'm a perfectly great person, but that belief is still hanging around.

By looking at my emotions, I was able to identify a belief that was dragging me down.

So, the steps to do this on your own are:

1. Monitor your emotions. When a negative emotion shows up...

2. Monitor your thoughts. Ask yourself why you are having this reaction, until...

3. You reach a clear, pure statement about yourself, other people, or the world. Such as;
  • I'm a bad person
  • The world is dangerous
  • Other people hate me
And so on. Chances are you have some really negative, limiting beliefs... and chances are you have some that are not so negative and more innocuous. Either way, these beliefs shape how you view the world, what you think is possible for you, and how you approach your life.

It's time to sweep the corners of our minds and find the distorted beliefs that are holding us back.

Next post, I'll detail how to let go of and substitute the negative beliefs that are getting in your way. What we want to do is keep changing the core beliefs that we use to view the world until our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world are as supportive, effective, and helpful as possible (while being based in your own reality, of course). We can keep changing the water that we're swimming in, little by little.

The result of changing the water you swim in? A new perspective on life, happier feelings, and the ability to think more flexibly about your options and what is possible for you.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Scary Part of Free Time

It's pretty typical in Western culture to be dissatisfied with the 9-to-5 lifestyle. More and more people are wishing to design their own hours, work when inspired to work, and take care of their other desires and responsibilities when it fits best with their schedules.

This is a big desire of my own. I love working when I feel energized and motivated towards it - work happens so much more quickly in those moments. Fortunately, my jobs have almost always been quite hands-off and relaxed about scheduled hours. I've always enjoyed that and in recent years I've wanted even more flexbility and freedom.

(Hint: This is how humans are designed. Once you achieve one level of your dream, you will start craving the next level. It's the wonderful way that we are constantly motivated to grow and experience new joys.)

During this January, I have embarked on a greater level of freedom. It's a temporary reprieve from my typical work responsibilities, and it's a work-sanctioned break because of interviews I have to complete around the country. Once February rolls around, I expect to go back to my typical flexible schedule that is a bit more restrained that my current schedule. So, this January is an opportunity, or a test of sorts, for how I can handle all of this free time.

Free time is typically pretty tough for me. I sit around wishing and hoping and resenting obligations that I'm not excited about... and then a wide open day on the weekend will hit. And I'll freeze. The opportunities and choices and potential of the day stops me in my tracks. What can happen is that I often:

          a) decide the whole house needs to be cleaned and lose myself in that for several hours;
          b) decide that now's the time that I can finally catch up on all of those backlogged shows on Netflix - also       
              losing several hours;
          c) decide that it's time to solve that "project" that my mind suddenly decided was very important.

Typically these projects that my mind comes up with are very time-consuming, have no clear end point, are motivated by some form of insecurity, and involve online shopping.

What all of these options are, clearly, is procrastination. Procrastination can disguise itself so well! At least in my opinion. From the outside, it's probably pretty obvious. I'm run away from the anxiety that shows up when I have some space and time to do exactly what I want...

"Exactly what I want" - that's daunting! So many of us participate in the "rat race" and constantly bemoan that others are keeping us from what we want. But, is that really true? Chances are you're choosing to stay stuck because staying stuck feels safer than the anxiety of the unknown and the limitless.

Oh, Milton...* 

So, here I am, in a much more wide open field than I was in during 2013. This is temporary, so it's a safe time to try things out. I want this type of lifestyle to become my full-time lifestyle and if I do things well (read: do not fall into timesucks every single day), it'll help me believe that I can be successful on my own.

Here are some strategies I am using to help keep me on task:
  • First, I gave up Facebook, which I had already known was a very unhelpful timesuck to me. That's just me. Before you jump into unstructured freedom, take a look at what activities you engage in when procrastinating or avoiding anxiety. See if they are actually helpful or if you are simply losing a lot of time to something that doesn't benefit you.
  • I find it helpful to list my intentions at the beginning of the day - especially weekend days. You don't have to do this religiously, but even doing it several times a week helps me keep my mind on task for those off days. 
    •  Please note: I did not say make yourself a "to do" list. Make yourself an Intentions List. These are things that you intend to do, see, or feel and if you do not get to them, it's OK. Also, put lots of positive items on the list - things you enjoy. I really like dancing in the shower to start my day, so I put "dance" on my intentions list every time. Find things that really brighten you and help you shine, and make sure some of those are on your list. 
  • If you find yourself in a web of procrastination, try to acknowledge it. It's OK. It happens to everyone and it's very natural. There is a reason why people are so stuck in the 9-to-5 lifestyle. It's safe and secure and you know what to expect. This is something new and it takes courage to try it out and stay with it. 
  • Seek support from people who can give great advice about this lifestyle. My primary recommendation: 4-Hour Work Week.
  • Get some sunlight each day. If you're working at home, you can get isolated and removed from nature pretty quickly. Get outside and enjoy your surroundings. 
Let me know how it goes! How exciting to be getting more and more of what we want. :)

*Office Space reference - such a funny movie.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Where does your mind live? NegativeTown, USA?

Man oh man. I've been around some really negative people lately. It comes with the territory given that I'm highly empathetic and feel other people's emotions quickly and strongly. I have my own tendency to get critical and negative, and that can get exacerbated by the people I'm around. Given that I work with people trying to feel better, I get my share of negativity at work, as well as with family and friends.

It's one of my own personal goals this year to 1) encourage the growth of more positivity in my social life and 2) to reduce the impact another person's negativity has on me.

I'd like to talk a little bit about how to reduce the impact of others' negativity in this post in case some of you are trying the same thing.

First, as an empathetic person, I have a habit of wanting to help and fix other people's feelings. Not a good plan! It never works and it just ends up in me bending over backwards to try to cheer people up when they aren't ready for it or enjoying it. And then, surprise, surprise, I end up getting resentful and annoyed that they aren't taking my damn awesome help (sarcasm).
I've read and agree with the following idea. If you are taking responsibility for helping someone else, you are basically saying underneath all of that "helpfulness" that you know better. And that's arrogant and condescending. You do not necessarily know better. And no matter what you do, you can't help someone unless they want to be helped. So, if someone is being negative around you, remind yourself that it is not your responsibility to help or cheer them up. If they ask you for help, go for it if you want to. Otherwise, shut up! Here are tactics for not jumping in with "helpfulness":
  • Ask them if they just want to vent and give yourself permission to stay silent
  • Change the subject
  • Excuse yourself to go to the restroom or another room
  • Express your desire to focus more positively and ask to talk about something that is going well
  • Become suddenly very interested in a project completely unrelated to the conversation - making dinner, walking a dog, making a fire, making some cocktails, doing dishes, cleaning up, and so on...
Another thing that tends to help is to understand the other person's negativity. Human beings for the longest time had to be negative. By focusing on the worst case scenario, identifying the problems and obstacles for ourselves, we were able to design solutions. Unfortunately, many of us get stuck in focusing on the problem. We get focused on having to identify all the intricacies of the awfulness of our current situation, economy, political dilemma, or work crisis. This feels more empowered than simply getting overwhelmed - we can vent and get it out of us. Those who are stuck in venting may feel powerless to change or powerless to identify solutions or contribute to change. Therefore, by staying stuck in the "awareness raising" mode of venting, they feel some form of power or satisfaction that they are doing something about the problem. Most of the time, of course they're not, they're simply preaching to the choir of other disempowered venters, but hey, at least they are trying.

So, keeping their negativity in perspective can help. However, even this doesn't help me much of the time. You can try to shift attention and conversation to solutions, but sometimes people will want to stay stuck in the problem. This focus is not effective and only will make the person feel crappy, but remember step #1 - it's still not your responsibility to fix their feelings.

In your time with people who tend to be problem-focused, work on actively focusing on the highest version of them as possible to improve your ability to call forth their most positive versions. We are all constantly reinforcing each other, so reinforce other people's positive energy. Compliment them on jobs well done, praise them when you hear a story that feels really good to talk about. Focus on what you want and it will grow.

Yup, I did it - an Oprah Winfrey quote. Because, why not, she's pretty awesome.